What did you do for your half birthday? We actually DON'T celebrate half birthdays around here because lets face it, the regular 1 per year about kills me! :) No, really when I started really listening to the kids and not the adults nor the blogs or pinterest, things got much easier!!
(but that's another post)
(but that's another post)
It was someone's half birthday this month... Someone turned 6 months old!
Time slow down!!
Time slow down!!
So, this is what Mr. Cade did for his half birthday. This is over the course of 2 days, because let's face it everybody around here gets to celebrate for more than 1 day!
We're working hard on sitting up, and Cade is sooo close! It's difficult as Cade's arms are shorter. Sooo where other babies can use their arms to stabilize, he has to go much lower to stabilize.
Some of you remember "raise the roof" (Yes, we've established I'm old) for Cade we like to raise the floor. We actually put the boppy around his front so the "floor" (boppy) is closer to his hands. He is better able to stabilize without having to go so low.
He also did his first real swimming. He was pretty excited about his swim trunks.

And still very much excited after swimming.
He posed with his doctor. We had just been there Friday for synegis, but now we are here for 6 months well child.
We played a few cut throat games of UNO.

Cade's kind of a card shark.
Tried some rice cereal, which was good for the first 30 seconds and then all came out.
"This is fun Mom!"

Finally, we did some light reading. His favorite is Polar Bear Polar Bear, but Brown Bear is not too bad either.
Hope your half Birthday is as good as Cade's!!