Monday, October 31, 2011

Preschool Picture Day

Yikes, picture day at preschool and costume day at library makes for tricky outfit choices...
This is Livie's adorable preschool group including Miss Kristin and Mr. Matt.

Guess who also got in on the action?  :)

She felt so big helping "E" which is what she calls Livie.

Oh they are so big so fast!!

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Safe Walk

Gram and Granddad got to come for the safe walk.  They were very excited to see the girls in their costumes.

Ta Da Dorothy and TinMan ready for action!!

Anxiously waiting for the big walk to begin...

Here we go!!

We met a football, cousin Finn, and a football player, Aunt Molly.

Afterwards we ate Mexican.  Yuuummmmy courtesy Gram and Granddad
Then they were off for Oklahoma and we were off for more Candy!!

Great Grandpa and Grandma Goering had LOTS of trick or treaters
Ariel (Ava) Dorothy (Livie) TinMan (Claire) Football (Finn) and Wolf (Henry)
Poor Henry had to be in the back as Claire was pretty scared of him!:)

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And it still isn't even Halloween!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Halloween Take 1

It's Library Day... My favortite day!  The girls both have so much fun.  Livie always laughs LOUDLY at the puppet show.  No inhibitions... so cute.  And they both pick out new books for the week.

Today, everybody got to wear their costumes for a parade in the library.

Story time with Miss Amy, the mouse.

Claire during storytime.  In all fairness, she is too young for this group.

Aww, can you feel the love?

 The best part was when you Trick or Treat in the library... Your Treat is a NEW BOOK!!
 Back down for the puppet show.

More to come... it's only October 27th!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Apple Mouse

This is what happens when you leave Claire alone with a plate full of apples...


"I like apples!!"

I have to admit I   L-O-V-E   her little bites.
The first time Jed saw her bites without me cutting and peeling the apple for her
he asked if we had a mouse. :)

Let's see 1 in her hand, 3 on the counter, and 1 on the plate...
Yep, that's 5 apples!!

Hey a girl's gotta eat!!

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Halloween Cupcakes

Add the ingredients
 Mix them up

Test out the batter

Hmmm not bad


Dip it in

Bake and Wait

This is what the girls did while I watched the cupcakes...

Time for Sprinkles

And finally the best part

Special Delivery to our Favorite Tractor Driver

Yes, we all ride... we've eaten supper here quite a few nights.  I don't know what we'll do as our family gets bigger... as in grows older, I'm not pregnant!  :)

Quality Family Time