Friday, June 29, 2012

Marion Road Trip

I'm ready for my dining room to NOT be empty anymore... we've been in this house 2 years...
it's kind of embarassing.

ROAD TRIP to Marion
Check out my finds... An adorable bench... and 4 chairs... and a couple of frames...
My husband wasn't nearly as excited as I was.
He'll come around. :)

My dad had purchased this... at an auction a few weeks ago and needed to come pick it up.
Do you know what it is?

Yep, a windmill.  It's very cute.

They met us with their load, and we met them with our load... Surprise Honey!!
We had a yummy lunch,
and gum for dessert.
Our convoy
It was a big day!
And we continued it into the evening... my bench in the dining room.  Not cleaned up yet.
3 of my 4 chairs... Before I started painting like crazy
They soaked up the paint!
I'm out of paint, but I will definitely keep you posted on the dining room progress.  I bought a painting in Dallas for the room which also kind of dictated the colors.  I'm so excited!!
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Sweet Corn

Well, the sweet corn is READY.  We went in the LATE evening to avoid the heat...
Can you spot the pickers?
This is what I was looking at as I entered the corn.  :)  
If you are not from a corn growing area, corn is TALL!!
Some of us couldn't wait until we got home.

We ran into a friend and sent her away with sweet corn... She came back and definitely returned the favor!!  NONE of the watermelon left the field.
and Um my husband thinks he's the Marlboro man...
Seriously, We SLICKED IT DOWN!!
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Canton Lake round 2

So I came back from Dallas and met my little family at the lake.
The girls are already wearing their prizes from market...
Ruffle Leggings, Pearls, Feathers, and Headbands
Yes, I have Girls!

Claire loves our dog Maddi; however, we're not sure the feeling is mutual. :(

'MON Maddi!

Stinky Cooler... Don't Ask
My husband poured like an entire container of dawn in there!

Lifejackets for ALL our girls... Check

Oh yeah, we swam... It was like 111 degrees!
 And yes, our first daughter swam.
The official clam finders and sand castle builders.
Later, the yummiest snowcones you've ever eaten.  They did them in the blender... Like the calories went all the way to the bottom! :)
Can you guess what kind Livie got?  Her entire mouth was blue.

And our favorite restaurant... the Overlook yum
I can taste the curly fries.
Until next time lake.
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Dallas Market

 I LOVE Market.
My grandparents have a Pharmacy/Gift Shop/ and Soda Fountain... it's adorable, and they send my mom to market to get new ideas and products for their store.
I must say she is very good at it. 
This year, my mom, sister, and I went together.  Jed kept the girls!!!!!!!!!!!

We absolutely had a wonderfully exhausting time.  Although I did sleep better than ever without kids! :)  Some of you know exactly what I'm talking about!

He was so cute... the sales lady was talking to us and we had NO CLUE what was coming out of her mouth.  :)  I mean seriously good looking... even better in person.
Not single though...
We checked for my sister of course!

We found adorable "Rednek Wine Glasses"  Hilarious and Cute.
Western Wind Chimes anyone?

My 2 best gals... Truly my BEST Friends.
I am so blessed!
Cheers to a fabulous Market.
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