Monday, October 29, 2012

Silver Lining Part 1

So, as many of you know my Granddad's kidneys began failing about 6 weeks ago.  Claire and I spent time in OK while Jed took Livie to Kindergarten.
5 weeks ago Wednesday, my Granddad, my Mom's dad, got to come home from the hospital, and is doing very well!  THURSDAY Night our nightmare began with my mom.  She was rushed to the hospital with excruciating head pain.  We have been dealing with these head ache attacks every day sometimes twice a day for 4 weeks.  We've been in and out of different hospitals, and our family has spent a lot of time in OK.  Jed and I canceled our Mexico trip and spent the week with my family, but in all challenges  GOOD appears.

We were able to spend MUCH time with my grandparents, and boy was it fun.  At one point, we went to a pumpkin stand.  Claire and Grandma had a ball!  I loved being able to visit with my grandparents.  They are wonderful, giving, Christian examples to us all.  They are truly a blessing to all who know them.
Happy Pumpkin Picking!
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Exploration Place

Well, I'm super behind on my blog... we've had a rough 5 weeks or so....
So I'm going to try to start catching up...

We had a nice family day a few weeks ago. It rained and Jed got to go with us!!  )
Yep, this looks about right!
They had these AWESOME Keva Blocks.  Seriously sometimes the most basic toys are the very best.  We played in this area FOR EVER!!! 
They even had construction helmets for the kids.  I know I know Head Lice AAAHH, but they were too excited and too cute not to risk it.  Granted had they gotten head lice this post would be going an entirely different direction!
Ok this is fun... Here it is still being built...
AND down it goes!!  Look at Claire's eyes!  LOVE IT.

The End
Claire loved milking the cow.

Tornado Machine
And here's where we lost Jed... He LOVES damming up water.  Seriously!!
And guess what was every one's FAVORITE part...
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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October Treats

Livie's October Snack day is here, and although it's not quite Halloween time... we decided to go all out yucky!  We made band-aids and mummy dogs.

This is all you need for the band-aids... they are super easy.  Thank you pinterest!
1. Break apart your graham crackers into fourths
2.  Create a square of white icing in the middle
3. Squeeze some blood, red icing in the middle... YUCK
I'm sure you've made pigs in a blanket.  They are delicious, fun, and easy.

I used crescent rolls and "Little Smokies"
1.  Cut your crescent rolls into strips... I used a pizza cutter.
2.  Simply wrap them (like a mummy) around your hot dog.
3. Cook them
4.  Dot mustard on for the eyes 
Hope you have fun, spooky snacks for Halloween :0
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The Lion King

We went to the Lion King on Sunday, and it was AMAZING. 
I was truly impressed, and hadn't invisioned the animals being so, well, WOW!
This is the best picture of our family; however
this one has the great Lion King sign!  :)
It was fabulous and I would recommend it to anyone and everyone!!
Both our girls loved it, and Jed even enjoyed himself! :)
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Our Park

I LOVE our park.  It's close, well done, and just plain fun.
The City of Newton really does have great parks!
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C is for Claire... Golden Letter Day!

YEA, C Day is here... Claire's golden letter day!

As you can clearly see, we are very excited!!
Chocolate chip Pancakes in hand and ready to drop Livie off at Kindergarten.
Happy C Day Everyone!!
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