Tuesday, February 26, 2013


 When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.  In God, whose word I praise-- in God I trust and am not afraid.  Psalm 56:3-4
Sometimes, for me, this is easier said than done....
As many of you know my Mom's appointment at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona was today.  It actually couldn't have gone better.  I have prayed for Clarity as the unknown is very hard and frustrating for me.  God answered our prayers.  She had a doctor who was knowledgeable, conscise, kind, and patient.  My mom has TAC, trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia. It may last forever, it may go away and never come back, but we know the treatment that is working.  We have found out what to tweak to restore her energy and her mind.
God is Good


Snow Days Continue : SnowWoman

Yes, another SNOW DAY... Which means, we have been home now for 14 Days!!!!!!!  Seriously, Livie got sick Wednesday, Feb. 13th and stayed home from school.  CRAZY - She might have some trouble getting back into the swing of things!!
The beauty of this snow is amazing... God is Good, and I totally appreciate the moisture (Blessing #1), BUT I feel terrible for my Dad and his neighbors in NW Oklahoma.  It's absolutely terrible down there!

My mother, sister, and uncle are at the Mayo Clinic for my mom's appointment! (Blessing #2)  We pray for clarity and answers.  And Jed left for Oklahoma to help my dad.
Sooo we girls decided to get outside and play in the snow.
(Oh and Blessing #3:) We are finally among the living!  Everyone is feeling better... no fevers!!  YEA!!
I was Super Excited to get outside... but I had some serious party poopers.  Claire got cold quick.
And this is what happened when she went to get our Snow Woman's nose.  Yes, she's just sitting inside eating carrots!  Ha Ha
Livie and I finished her though.  She's Ready for Summer!! 
Livie also made a baby snowman.. you can't really see her in the pictures.
And then, right before we run in.... A Snow Angel!!  Only Livie though... Claire said, "I'm not getting my  bom (bottom) all yucky!! It's cold!"
 Her Angel
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Snow Days - Checking Cows

We FINALLY got out of the house for the first time in days... We helped Daddy check the cows.
I think he realized Mommy was losing it... after a few "funny" things and jokes I told him.  His response was, "Um, You need to get out of this house!"  I guess they weren't quite as entertaining as I had thought!   (because normally I'm VERY funny)

I LOVE snow pictures. It makes an awesome background no matter where you are.

 Look Out...

Jed's retaliation... not quite even

Don't worry it landed right in front of her.

Day 2 of Venturing Out, we headed to Walmart to pick up the essentials.  You know, milk, Tinkerbell the movie, a huge ball and more beads!! We're ready for Round II!
 And Here it Comes!!

Snow Ice Cream

Blizzard of 2013 is HERE! Holy Cow... I was a little bit glad because I really wanted everyone to get feeling better... and I can FINALLY say that we are, in fact, feeling a little better. Livie is the only one 100% still. I've never had anything hang on for so long!!

We have gotten to have a little bit of fun though, we brought snow inside!!
That we have done before and it really isn't very messy, it lasts quite a while and it is much warmer! (we wear gloves though) :)

Then we took everyone's advice and made Snow Ice Cream.
I don't know why, but we have never done this!!

You just need milk, vanilla and sugar. That's it... oh and we of course topped it with chocolate syrup! :)

We didn't really use a recipe and just kind of kept adding...
I think it tastes just like homemade Ice Cream... Yummy!
Then we made snow towers... Also very Fun!!
 Hope You're having some Snow Fun!!
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Thursday, February 21, 2013


What does your house look like?  Ours is covered in SNOW!  Of course on Monday I put away all of the snowmen and got out Easter decorations! :)  School was cancelled, but because everyone has been sick for a week, it really wasn't that big of a deal here. :(

This is our neighbor's house... (in town!) I think he lives for these days!  See his cute tractor?!  It was actually kind of awkward when I looked out my window this morning to see one neighbor using a snow shovel, and then I looked across the street to see my other neighbor in a tractor!  :)
Then I recieved this picture.  Of course the ewe at school decided to have babies in the snowstorm!  Aren't they cute?
And here's Eeyore... Claire absolutely loves this donkey.  They don't know why he's outside... his hut is full of warm straw!!  I love Livie's School. 
Walton Rural Life Center

Happy Snow Days!
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Kitchen Cabinets

Last week my Mom came and stayed a few days with us.  It was very fun.   We just hung out.  She is not yet able to drive long distance so my dad and I met, and then he came here to pick her up. 
And this happened...

Amidst our hanging out, we found a picture of an adorable painted kitchen island.  I told mom, "I'm totally going to do that."  Her response, "You won't be able to stop."  What does she know?

So, prior to this conversation I took a few pictures of my house.  Simply because I LOVE seeing pictures of people's houses!

Our Entry:

My favorite pictures of the girls hang at the top of our stairs.  They're huge and I LOVE them!!
My Kitchen:
I know why I didn't take it from the opposite angle because all you would see is ugly, dated cabinets.
Our Island:
Anyway, I'm so glad I took those pictures because then This Happened...
 And then this happened...

And then this happened...
Next... HARDWARE!!

Then we went to the lake for the weekend, came back, and This Happened...

It's our guest bathroom...
I don't even know what my MOM was talking about.... Couldn't Stop :)
That just goes to show... Mom IS Always Right!! 
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Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

We have been working on Valentine's Day projects for a LONG time.  Please notice Livie's Hair...
I showed Livie MANY different Valentines in my Family Fun magazine and on Pinterest... Her Response, "How about Hearts Mommy?"  Yes, brilliant... so we did hearts! :)
I bought cute heart note cards in the Target Temptation Isle and sent Jed the top ten reasons why I love him. He got one every day or every other day for a couple of weeks.

Claire, being the Play-Dough Queen, decided to make Play-Dough for her Valentine's.

We use Miss Kristin's yummy Kool-Aide play-dough recipe.  We love it!!  It smells terrific and has great consistency!!  Get her recipes here

(with Glitter!)

We cut them into hearts and put them in her little treat bags.

At first we had a great assembly line going... and then Claire just started playing play-dough!  She's making an ear imprint... obviously!!

Maddi got a new Valentine Hair Cut too!

She likes it! :)

It was hard work, but we finished our Valentine's cards on time.

Daddy brought us all Roses!!  Unfortunately, Livie got sick and I had to pick her up from school before her valentine party :(

until next year
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