Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Go K-State

Our fingernails are painted PURPLE, we have PLAYAWAYS checked out from the library and we are ready to go!

We went to our first K-State game this weekend, and guess what?

It was HOT, I mean H. O. T. HOT!!  102 degrees to be exact.  We kept the concession stand in business the 1st half, and that is NOT like us, but I think Jed decided maybe we could buy coolness.
It didn't work. :)  We didn't actually make it the entire 1st half, and as we watched people leaving on stretchers from heat exhaustion, I had to ask myself what is wrong with our society that we would subject ourselves to this to watch some college boys play a game.  Don't hate me, but it did cross my mind.

But look a cute family pic and everyone is alive.

It was soon after that thought that we decided to go check out Levi's new Cat Bus and of course sign our names.  Claire puts the letters in the order of her choosing :)
It is pretty AWESOME... funny story, Levi was Jed and I's ring bearer at our wedding, and he was just as cute then as he is now.
During this, our girls literally ran around like wild animals... I guess it was something about being squished in between people and not being able to move much, but I'm seriously not kidding WILD ANIMALS.  I was just entirely too hot to care and kind of thought it might be saving their sanity. 
It didn't hurt that they were wearing their adorable K-State t-shirt dresses my mom made for them.  We had lots of comments...
So many Livie said, "Wow, Gram should sell these!  Everyone wants them!"

Luckily we knew the neighbor tailgaters as well!

Here is Claire spraying them.  This bottle saved our lives.  We went through four bottles before coming to tailgate and visit!
2nd half was much better.  We were now in the shade, a
few people had cleared out and the girls were into it!! 
There was LOTS of cheering!
The spray bottle still made appearances...
Claire really never stopped cheering...
Go K-State U
She even created a song
K-State U
K-State U
I want you to be a Wildcat!
She was so wired as we were walking to the car a tailgating bus was playing loud country music, she stopped holding my hand and immediately started dancing... Followed by looking at me stating,
"I'm 'bout to stay here!"
very happy and still dancing

Yes, after this we went to the HOTEL, and swam.
Yes, it was 10 o'clock at night, but it felt great!!
Did I mention we stayed in a hotel?
If you want to know why I am apposed to rvs pleased see the previous posts:

K-State Camping Weekend
Top 8 Reasons WE should NEVER stay in an rv
(scroll down)

The next day we unexpectedly met friends and went to the splash park.  Super Duper Fun!

And this is what my car looked like on the way home...

Happy Football Season
Go Cats
Can't wait for Fall

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Mrs. Bs Loss is my Gain

So, tonight was Parent Information Night... No problem I had a VERY RELIABLE babysitter lined up, my sister in law.  At the last minute, Jed decided he would take the girls in the semi with him to haul corn to another town.  They left around 4ish and were supposed to be back in 3 hours ish.

He just called, they have been in line for over 2 hours, haven't eaten supper, and may not be home til 11 ish!
AAAAHHhhhhh all I can say is,  I'm sorry Mrs. B.
The girls seem to be making the best of it.
Therefore, I decided I would too.  I rolled my windows down, cranked my radio, I still have no music knowledge...

BUT it seriously took me back... I mean all I needed was half a pink bandana, a cb, and for Beckster to "roll" the window down.  I almost cruised Main (I'm from a VERY small town)  I enjoyed myself so much.  So this is to Haley, Becky, and Robin... and many nights of cruising to my radio, cb talk, and mud baths in the Cimmaron... I mean why do people pay for that stuff anyway.
Love you girls STILL!!

Instead I picked Sunflowers.  Still happy happy happy.

Good Luck with that Jed, I'll just be home posting old pictures of you on Facebook. :)
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Claire's 1st Day of Preschool!

Claire has been patiently waiting... well waiting for this day since Livie started school.
She has been so excited and ready for Preschool to start.
So we are finally here...
We brought Clara baby for show and tell of course.  Claire is telling her that she has to get into the show and tell basket.  Clara baby is saying no she's not show and tell.

Claire, "Honey, yes! You have to get in the basket... you are show and tell!" 
Restroom stop...I had to take this because I wanted you to see ALL of her bows!  She is wearing 3 and they all match.  Only if your mom makes bows can you find 3 pink flower bows! I've created a monster!

Ms. Kristin in all her Awsomeness!
And a Very OLD friend. 
These two went to daycare when they were BABIES and the bond has never been broken.  I'm so excited they will be in preschool together this year. 
I think it went well! )

 Day 1 = Success

We are ready for another Great School Year!
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Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed
AWANA Started last night.  This Balloon Girl gets to go this year.  She's a Cubby!  Very exciting stuff.
Don't these two look sweet?!
Funny story about 30 minutes before this Claire was screaming, "Wivie, you'we wuining my WIFE!"   (Livie, you're ruining my life!)  They were playing school and SHOCKER they both wanted to be the teacher in charge... Livie tries to diplomatically get her way, and Claire just screams.

BUT they did get it together and were both very excited for AWANA.
Claire went right in to her class.
Our family has a special family wave... it's what Claire is doing... Kind of our code for I Love You and I'm here.
When Claire came out I was visiting, she came straight up to me making a funny LOUD noise.  I said, "WOW, you must've had fun!"  With a BIG smile she said, "NO, I cried because I missed you."  Right after, "It was FUN FUN FUN!"  Alrighty then... She can't wait to go back next week.

Yea, good friends in and helping with AWANA!  That is always comforting... for all involved.
Livie came out and said, "I'm so glad I got a nice, quiet, calm leader!  I love her."  Um is this a hint to me?  Anywho, we are super excited her leader is "you know Zoe's Mom!" :)
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Sailboat Snacks

Our first snacks of the year.  "You've sailed through your first week of 1st Grade.  Keep up the great work!"  We've done this kind of thing before, but this time we saw the mandarin orange as the "boat" part.  Plus, I can say I sent fruit with their snack. :)

We did edit them a little...
We used a spoon rather than a toothpick bc I've been in elementary classrooms and toothpicks can be dangerous. :)  We glued a fabric, felt triangle to the handle of the spoon with a hot glue gun.
We also dropped Swedish fish in the jello "ocean"... Not a good idea they got all yucky!! 
So our advice... Yes to the Spoon NO to the fish..
Have Fun!
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