Monday, January 26, 2015

Cade Slept In!! We Have Eggs!! I've Drank too Much Honey Coffee!!!

Yep, Cade slept in!  Some of you get why this is in large, bold text!!  :)
I snuggled with Claire, rode my stationary bike, took a shower and got 1 LEG and BOTH Pits shaved!!  TMI?  Just in case you were thinking everything's perfect around here!  :)  Nope, under those skinny jeans are 1 shaved leg and 1 unshaved leg! :)  I think I'm going to trade Jed sides of the bed tonight so he can be next to a shaved leg.  I'm a good wife like that!

Our chickens... have started laying eggs!!  Not all of them, but we're getting 1 - 2 a day, and they are a perfect Martha Stewart Blue!!  Please do not misunderstand, I still have a Love Hate relationship with the Chickens!

I'm drinking honey coffee out of my new cup to help with my sore throat.  The warmth and the coating of my throat with honey is GREAT!  (the caffeine is not too bad either)
Sometimes I admire my husbands bravery.
Seriously, he takes his life in his hands every single night. 
Cade and I have both been sick.   Cade is going on 3 weeks!  He's stopped up and has trouble breathing at night and nursing.  He's been up all night about every other night since he's been sick.  I was managing until I started not feeling well, but I'm not gonna lie when I look over at my snoring husband, or worse he rolls over to face the other way because WE'RE BOTHERING HIS SLEEPING, I think about cutting him... just a little!  Judge me if you will, I mean I haven't or won't do it, I just fantasize about it sometimes at like 3:56 in the morning. :)
I still really love him though.
That is all!  I may have possibly gotten too much honey coffee this morning!!
Happy Monday People

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Fabulously 5!

Yep, she's FIVE, and loving it!  Seriously, 5!  I'm done with this growing thing.

She chose a PORCUPINE theme for her birthday.  Yep, you read that right Porcupine.
It all came about here in OK where two porcupines were shot, and then a lesson was provided by Granddad. 
See my earlier post
WAIT, You mean your 5 year old girl didn't ask for a porcupine birthday after examining a dead porcupine.  Something is not right in your life.  :)

The best was the nice lady in the store trying to help and asking Claire her theme or what she was looking for.  I'm sure awaiting the magic words "Frozen" imagine her surprise. :)

This momma had to get creative!
See her porcupine balloons?

She took porcupine cupcakes to preschool.
We cut and used tootsie rolls for their quills!



The sweetest thing, Livie worked and saved money to purchase Claire a stuffed porcupine.

Claire loves her!!

For her celebration, we took a friend and went to Chuck E Cheese.
Yes, it's the 3rd time!  I've decided not to fight it.   Well, after Jed said, "Why are you fighting this?"  :)  So, don't be hatin' on Chuck E Cheese people!



She had a great time!

Happy Birthday, Claire Bear!
You are a terrific Little Sister.  You girls LOVE to have "slumber parties" both downstairs and in Livie's room.  (which makes no sense bc Livie has a twin bed and Claire has a double)
You play together for Hours on End and truly are Best Friends!

You are also the Best Big Sister and Helper I could ask for.  I couldn't raise Cade without you.  You are ALWAYS eager and willing to help, and he ADORES you!
Furthermore, you are hilarious!!  You have the greatest comedic timing and one liners.
You are more caring than we ever could have imagined.  You love accessorizing your bed with animals that are then accessorized with scarves, earrings, necklaces, glasses and books!  It takes forever, and you refuse to sleep in your bed bc you can't mess them up!  (even though you change them everyday) So, you sleep at the end of your bed in the wrong direction with a blanket over you! :)  You love to pretend with mom, sometimes you're a mom, a teenager, and sometimes a baby. 
We LOVE your style, imagination, and YOU! 

Porcupine Preface Post

So we were home (Oklahoma) over Christmas, and it was an exciting creature adventure as always!
Yes, that's Granddad and Livie, of course.  What's in the culvert you might ask...

Wait for it...Wait for it...
Wait for it...
2, hopefully dead, porcupines!  Sorry to all the animal lovers... no one is a bigger animal lover than my Livie, but these guys are terrible on cattle and pets!

But, this happened first... it was a family affair.  These four were determined to get at least 1 porcupine out of this culvert!
This just goes to show that determination and persistence really does pay off!! 
I mean look, Now we have a dead porcupine!!  Who's excited?!!

Then begins the lesson and our infatuation with God's creature, the porcupine!

I told you it was a family affair.  Sara is taking the pictures!! 


Cade Man

It's been 5 months since the little guy joined our family!  Yep, 5 months

 A very wise woman wrote on facebook the other day, "this 3 kid thing is no joke!"  I've quoted her twice now and to that I say AMEN!!  Holy cow, I'm outnumbered!  I often think, "Where is everyone?  I can't see around this giant car seat!"  Were they always so big?  Were diaper bags always this big?  Did my others poop this much or this obnoxiously loud? 
Also, see this adorable face?  Well, it's the face of a non napper!  Seriously just doesn't nap!!  Claire gets more sleep than Cade!  I can't really be mad because, well, look at this face, and he's never upset.  Just a happy little clam that doesn't nap.

Therefore, causing no blog updates in 2 months!! 
Not to mention the other million things I'm behind on! :)

Staying in and staying healthy is easier said than done.  The staying in is really not that bad, but the staying healthy is nearly impossible this year!!  We have all had colds including Cade.  He can't seem to get over it, but neither can the rest of us.  The amazing thing is that he is NOT requiring oxygen, which is nothing less than a miracle!! 

Many have asked how our life is different.  Well, it's not, but then it very much is. :) Clear as mud?  Instead of his activities being soccer right now they're therapy!  He has 3 therapists in Wichita, a Speech, Occupational, and Physical therapist.  Then he has 3 different people through our early education system that do in home therapy 1-3 times per week here in Newton. 
The next question I get is what are you doing with a 5 month old in therapy...
My response EVERYTHING we're being both PROACTIVE and REACTIVE.   We work on things he struggles with due to Down syndrome like building up joints (they are hypermobile) and muscles because of his hypotonia or low muscle tone.  He gets to wear awesome biker shorts that cause his diapers to go straight up his back... not so awesome.  (the shorts or the diapers)
We do sign language and lots of mouth, tongue, and face massages, as well as many things with reflexes. 
"Wait, you don't like the biker spandex?" 
"Just kidding, me either!"

Cade is rolling from his belly to back and almost from back to front.
He smiles and laughs constantly,  Flirts with Miss Kristin, and is completely and totally
And we're still smitten! :)