Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Field Trip Queen

Yes, I truly have been the field trip Queen lately.  It has actually been great fun!!

First, it was Taxidermy with Claire's Preschool Class... yes, you heard correctly... Taxidermy with 3-5 year olds. 
Of course, Ms. Krstin handled it with grace!
Check out this moose.

The kids loved seeing and touching the different animals.

Great fun was had by ALL.  I mean look at those faces!!

Next was Livie's farm tour, and guess which farmer made it on the tour?

Yep, Farmer Jed!! (or daddy as we like to call him)

Look at that baby, 1 day old!!

The kids are going to feed the cows and babies!

At one farm, we had hot dogs for lunch!  It was very fun.
We went to 4 farms and 1 park for a snack... I believe the paper below will clear up your questions...
Livie took a souvenir from each farm/place, and then made this chart when we returned home. 
And then the ZOO... It poured all the way there, and then miraculously stopped when we unloaded the buses! 
Yes, that is my Kindergartner who looks like she's 18?!
My favorite part were the fruit bats in the rainforest.  They were moving along these ropes like monkeys to get fruit!

What, you thought I was finished... No, 1 more!
Mrs. Roux set up Farm Day for the students at Walton.  It was amazing, the FFA kids set up learning booths for the elementary.  We rotated every 12 minutes to at least 10 different stations.  There were cows, seeds, grain, sheep, mower & 4 wheeler safety (where were they a couple weekends ago) rabbits, ducks, combines, hay rack rides and more!  It was well organized and a great learning opportunity for everyone involved!

 Where was Claire during Livie's field trips you might ask...
wearing her overalls and helping daddy of course!!
I think they got a lot done!
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