Thursday, May 16, 2013

the Chicks are Growing UP...

The chicks are doing well.  Yes, they are outside, but Maddi is NOT!
This was a particularly exciting day as we found a worm... more on that coming...  She's deciding here if she should feed it to her chicks.
BoBo the 3rd loves being carried like this.  :)  Poor guy.  She's scared of their feet.
And then it was decided... Livie felt if they were going to be good chickens, she needed to "teach" them how to eat a worm! :)
Please notice Claire's face.
It was very amazing when Cheep ate the worm.  She wouldn't eat the big juicy one, but she did eat a small one.
"I can't believe I taught Cheep how to eat a worm!"
We all must grow up sometime...
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