Saturday, March 2, 2013

Calving Heifers in OK

My parents live in Northwest Oklahoma, and they just got close to 30 inches of snow.  Yes, they needed the moisture, but my Dad is Calving Heifers. 
A heifer is a girl bovine that has not yet had a baby.  Once they get threw their first calf, they are called cows.  As many of you know, calving heifers is MUCH different than cows calving.  The best analogy I have heard is my sister's... Heifers can be compared to the girls in the show "Teen Mom."  You know, they just don't yet know how to take care of a baby.  They go off and leave their babies, they forget which one is theirs, and sometimes even forget they had a baby.  They usually become excellent mothers as cows, but the first time is somewhat of a disaster.

Well, the blizzard and heifer calving hit at the same time!!!  The cosmic forces are against us.
Jed came down on Tuesday to help my dad, but I was extremely worried about Livie missing any more school, so we didn't come.  However, after talking to them and Livie's teacher, we decided to come Wednesday after school.  It has been quite an adventure.  Livie has written a book that we made into a power point to present to her class.

One of the major problems is there is no place dry and warm for the moms to go, so right when a baby is born we are moving them into a barn...
We've had to warm up many because they just get too cold.
There is an audience... We were up til midnight with this one.
You can't tell how much snow there is, but it's still a pretty picture out my parents' back porch.
Baby Number 2 getting warmed up.
They are absolutely precious!
He's feeling much better... please excuse the no make-up look.  I know it's frightening!!
A pickup ride back to his Mommy.
Reuniting them...
SUCCESS!!  He's sucking!!!

All of these stalls are FULL of brand new babies!!  We are at 50 some in just a few days!!!  There are about 20 in here!
This is a "small" snow drift! :)
PS:  Did you notice my skinny husband?  Our weight loss challenge is over and we both WoN!!  Jed lost 30 pounds!!  He won the boys' challenge and I won the girl challenge... I didn't lose that much, but we did well... Unfortunately, my mom is the best cook ever and I've gained about 5 pounds since we've been here!!  AAAHHH  And I had about 3 more pounds to go... Oh well back to it on Monday.
Happy Snow Days
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