Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Harvest Pictures 2013

These are my favorite pictures EVER... I think a big part of that is Jed... He actually looks like Jed! 
He's adorable, and this is how we see him everyday.
I decided to have us ALL in our wheat pictures this year as usually it is just the girls in cute, professional ones, and then we hollar at one of our truck drivers or Tim, our grain cart operator, drop a camera to them while unloading, step onto the deck, smile in the swirling dust down at the camera, and then jump back in.  It always turns out adorable NOT!!  We all have ten chins and look ridiculous, but not this year.
We literally took the photographer with us, kidnapped Jed off of the planter grease and all, and took pictures!

Here are my favorites!!

I LOVE this one!  It's fun and everyone is looking, which means, I like the whimsy and grandparents like that we are looking.  Everyone is Happy Happy Happy!!

These are sooo sweet, and just happened!!
Sometimes those are the best.

She told us to kiss the girls in this one, and
Claire turned to kiss me right back! :) 
Happy Independence Day!
Thanks Johanna Patton Photography for fun harvest pictures.
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