Friday, August 2, 2013

Blackberries Baby!

We decided to try out the "NEW" farm pickup, and flatbed my husband made the other day.  We put on our jeans, brought long sleeved shirts and our buckets... we were ready! (or so we thought!)
Excited Picker #1 sporting her gloves
Excited Picker #2
And then we began... Anyone who has picked blackberries knows EXACTLY what I am talking about.  They ARE VICIOUS!!  Thorns EVERYWHERE... even the leaves have thorns!  Needless to say, Jed and I picked and the girls held the buckets. :) 
I will say that I didn't want to stop.  I wanted my battle wounds to be worth it.  Seriously, this night we went to dinner and my arm was swollen with scratches!
Today we found THIS blackberry cobbler recipe from


and I highly recommend it.
and turned out delicious!  Just the kind of recipe I like!

Of course I had GREAT help.  She loves to cook!
Yes, she put them in 1 at a time! 
We Made FOUR cobblers! :) 
Yes Dad, 1 of these is coming to your house next weekend!
Now who is your favorite daughter??!!
I even had some left over and froze them!!
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