Thursday, April 11, 2013

Ice... Seriously?

Yesterday we woke up to ICE!  Crazy crazy weather!!

Do you remember my last entry... Yes we were riding bikes in short sleeved outfits!!
But, I must admit, it is BEAUTIFUL.  Ice covering is always pretty, but the green and buds underneath are oddly BEAUTIFUL!
We are definitely enjoying our chicks, but I truly wonder how much they are enjoying us? :)
They've been read to.  And now, taken to Kindergarten!  I'm sure it was quite a day for them... Tomorrow--- PRESCHOOL!
This little girl LOVES visiting Livie's school, and today we were there twice!  We brought the chicks when we dropped off Livie, and we surprised her for lunch!!
Please notice what she is drawing... PEOPLE!  She has just started this.  It's adorable.  She draws two dot eyes, a dot nose, a line smile, 2 line feet, and most of the time 2 huge circle ears! :)
After school, we got to see Miss June and Finn, oh yes, and Aunt Molly. Livie had to deliver all of her letters.
A good time was had by ALL.
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