Friday, May 4, 2012

T is for Tuck the Turtle & T-Ball

Daddy was a hero yesterday.  He found a small box turtle on his way to the farm.
And, it was still zoo week!  So we took "TUCK" the turtle to school. 
I'm not sure how much he enjoyed it, but the kids really did.
More about Tuck later...

Then we were off to T-Ball... I was so nervous.  We had a terrible experience last year.  Like worst mom moment I've had yet!!!  Livie was terrified and we didn't go back.

This year... VERY different.
We know our coaches from preschool, and Livie has lots of friends on the team.  Including this little lady, Zoe.  It made all the difference.
Then we made a quick trip to Wichita with daddy and back home to check on Tuck.  We decided we needed to let him go in nature so he could find his friends.
We love you Tuck.
But first we decided to mark him.  When I was little, we used to put our initials in fingernail polish on their backs... but Jed said that dooms them.... their predators can spot them!!  Yikes So we decided to use a black sharpie instead.  I wrote his name... Livie made a heart because "she's really good at hearts," and Claire made a squiggle.
Good Bye Friend
Seriously, you're free... you can go.
Then we left Tuck alone for a while.
And boy did he high tail it out of there when we weren't looking... Seriously never to be held by a preschooler again... if he can help it.
And of course we had to look for him...
And look...

And look...

 And then the realization... Tuck was gone.
Livie tried to explain how much she loved her turtle of 1 day to daddy, but he just didn't get it...
And then she said, "Ok Daddy, I loved Tuck a little bit more than I love you.  Do you understand?"
They formed a deep bond.

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