Friday, September 30, 2011

Complete Fall Picture FAILURE

This is how our morning photo session went...

and sad

 not the only time this one marched off set!!

And I had the cutest props... I was so disappointed. 

We'll definitely have to try again.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fall Decor

We have been helping daddy lots lately, but the other day, he helped us with our fall decorations.  We cut corn stalks and picked lots of hedge apples. We gave all the corn stalks to Gram so we're going to have to pick more of those.

Claire was SUPER SERIOUS about the picking.  She literally made a little squeel and picked up EVERY SINGLE one she saw... regardless of its look or color.  She was very proud.  And so were we.  So Cute.

 We put them in our pots on our front porch.  Claire did the right side, I did the left.  Hers looked just as good if not better!!??

I thought it turned out pretty cute, and it was a totally fun evening walking with our buckets.
Since we've added hay bales, a scarecrow, and a ghost we made out of trash bags.

State Fair

Clearly my family and I love the fair... so here's another fair post... get it "fair" post, ok sorry

Anywho, mom and dad (gram and granddad) met us at the fair.. FUN

We looked at LOTS of fun things:


the PIG RACES, my favorite

our pig won all 3 races!!



milking is VERY SERIOUS


 This was our dream playhouse!!  Amazing Huh?

Finally, it was time to say good bye... Claire helped dad load the corn stalks.  A moment before she was actually completely in the cut-out... of course my camera was in the pickup! :(

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Finally Fall

Yea Fall

Yes!  Fall is just around the corner, and we deserve it after having a record breaking summer. (More 3 digit days than any other summer!!  Jed has been very grouchy!)  But now, windows are open, pumpkins are out; it is wonderful.  After our walk, the girls and I played hide and seek in the yard...
Can you find them?

Claire's Solo Pictures

Livie trying to get HER SOLO pictures!

 Playing with our first child... our dog Maddi.  Her life has changed a bit since the children!

Time to start thinking Halloween costumes.. ugh

Yea Dallas

Yea for me getting to go to Market!!  My sister, mom, and I are buyers for my grandparents' drug store. Sorry, we always call it the drug store never thinking of what that may sound like!!  (pharmacy, gift shop, & soda shop)  Anywho... the last couple of times I have not been able to go due to the girls.  They are not able to attend.  But, this time we decided to go during September, and Jed was able to keep the girls.  We had so much fun!  And so did the girls.  I sadly didn't get any good pictures... :(  I'm hoping Sara will send me some... and I can add them.

Taking off...
Jed is taking this picture... he obviously DOESN'T COUNT!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A is for Awesome & Apples

Today was Livie's 1st day of Preschool!!  Yes, exciting, but also terrifying... Last year we had tears for weeks, sleepless nights due to not wanting to wake up and go, but this year...

SMILES... YEA.....

Frog Backpack... Check

 Picture in front of new preschool... check

picture with fabulous teacher... check  (she even sent me a text of Livie with new friends at school)  LOVE HER

and finally... A is actually for Apples and Apple Pie with cinnamon

Yea for a wonderful 1st day of Preschool!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

that there's an RV

Yep, you heard right... rv.  Jed's parents just recently purchased this 95 rv, and we decided to give it a go for labor day weekend.

This "tenament on wheels" took us to West Lake for the night.  Hot Dogs, camping, and the best part an OWL, which truly sounded like a Howler Monkey!  We found it in the tree with our flashlight and both girls got a good look.  It was very cool.  Unfortunately, we didn't get a picture.

 The girls set up their own table!

Livie took both of these last pictures!!  Pretty good for a 4 year old!!

Jed's love... 80's style chevy pickups.  He can't pass them up.
This was our other vehicle.  Yes, when we go camping, we do it in style!