Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My Mother's Day

I never know where to put the apostrophe in Mothers' Day because it's not just one Mother, it is all mothers who possess Mothers' Day, but then if I'm just talking about mine it's singular possessive.  Anywho....  Mine was fun.  The girls made me all kinds of sweet notes and cards and pictures.  They both made me a necklace which I sported in church.
Then, I got to choose what I wanted to do for the day, and that was Tanganyika Wildlife Park.
Be prepared for LOTS of wildlife pictures.  I love this place because it is so interactive.  It is expensive, but Mothers got in half price on Mothers' Day, and got a feeding bracelet, which was awesome.

Check out that tongue!

Yep, this momma and I are just hanging out, but her baby is on her back.

What are you looking at?

Claire loved the kangaroos.  A few of the had a joey in their pouch.  Did you know kangaroos are ALWAYS pregnant?  Right when this baby comes out of the pouch another one will move in!

 Jed liked the llama.  He was in with the goats and all kids, baby goats, were playing king of the mountain on him!
 We made a day of it, and this is what the girls looked like on the way home.  :)

Happy Mothers' Day to all the wonderful Moms out there. 
It's a tough, rewarding, and terrifying, but absolutely worth it.

Blast Ball

Is there anything more fun than Blast Ball?  Well, my worst mom moment ever happened with Blast Ball and Livie... but Claire has redeemed Blast Ball for us.  I believe it's because she has gone, cheered, and coached Livie on for every activity and sport Livie has chosen to participate in, and it's finally Claire's turn to shine!!  She also isn't intimidated because she knows what is going on!
I mean, look at this face!  She loves it!
It's perfect... Everyone gets to bat, no one gets out, they only run to first, jump on it, and it makes an air horn sound!!  So fun!  Also, it's in May so usually not AS hot as T-Ball.  It was actually COLD her first game!

I know it's a lot of pictures, but it's so cute!

Hope your finishing up your May with an air horn of some sort or another!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

In Town (Farm) Play Date

I have been wanting to do a play date with this group forever!
I finally picked a date and went with it.
Play Dates are AWESOME.  The kids have fun, the moms get to visit, and everybody is ready for a nap afterwards!
It was Hot, but I guess that's better than being cold.
Claire was very excited to show her friends how to make a bottle for a baby calf.  It was pretty cute!

Blacky was a little skeptical at first.  She wasn't sure she was ready for all these 4 and unders!

They even mixed up her feed.  A downfall of having a farm in town is a stinky garage... as you can clearly see! :)

We also got the chicks out for everybody to pet and observe.

and the trampoline got finished in just the knick of time!!

Bring on Summer and Play Dates and Trips to the Zoo...
I can't wait!!!


Do you have this program in your area?  If not, you should check into it.  It's AWESOME!!  I have included a link in order that you can find out more as we are just mere participants and wouldn't do the description justice!

Click here to find out more about the AWANA program!,default,pg.html

My girls were super proud of themselves for finishing their books and learning so many verses, and the best part, THEY HAVE TONS OF FUN!!
Also, because of the practice at home, you may be reaching parents and caretakers who might not otherwise be reached!!
We finished up the year and had our AWANA awards program the other night.

We are obviously sitting on the wrong side, but the smile is clear!  No stage fright here!!

Sadly, I was clearly in the wrong place at the wrong time to catch Livie! 
Worth checking into for the next school year!!

SURPRISE Baby Shower!!

Are you kidding me??  Okay so we've had this Adult Night Out planned forever, and just so you know Jed and I are the worst at planning for things like this.  We just never know what is going to come up with family and the farm, but these girls were persistent and much better at planning outings than I. 
Honestly, I tell them both all the time I could totally be a hermit if I let myself!
We ran out for appetizers without the boys, which I did think was weird,
but we do that so not a big deal. 
We had to take Jed's pickup and his ac wasn't working so I'm discussing with my girlfriends the awkward places I'm sweating and

These two girls had been scheming behind my back!

It was super fun, and I've told everyone the only person that had a better time than me
was JED!! :)

My little boy is going to be the Best Dressed little guy EVER!!  We were soooo spoiled with super generous gifts!

Have you ever tried to drink out of a baby bottle?  Not that easy People!!
The boys all trying to cheat.

The girls yelling at them not to cheat!!  :)  Could Stacy's face be any better?!!

Seriously, I don't know how babies get anything out of these things!!
Maybe that's the attitude my girls had because Claire never would take a bottle!

 My sweet mom!

You know, if both of these guys' wives weren't pregnant with their 3rd right now, I would say we might have a problem!!
Thanks EVERYONE for the best
Surprise Shower EVER!!!