Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chick Days at the Claassens

Can you guess what's in that box?  Look how proud she is.
This one is pretty proud too.

Yep, it's chicks.  2 of them to be exact.  Livie's is yellow.  Her name is Sunny, because she likes the heat lamp and she's yellow.  :)
Claire's is Bobo.  We can't know why.  :)
They LOVE them.
Livie loves holding hers.  Claire has not touched them and probably won't!!
But she is really into filming them. :)  I was filming the girls with their new chicks and then Claire got her video camera out and started saying ahhh so cute.
They are living in our storage room in the basement.  The girls love it. 
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Spring Break @ the Rockin E

After the kids activities, my mom took the girls to OK.  We then went there to pick them up.
Check out this group going to check the heifers.
The girls are checking out the new headgate for pulling calves.

Little Miss NOT Afraid

 She wanted to go check the cows every second with Granddad.  He ropes and eartags new babies, and Claire now constantly pretends to be roping and tagging babies.
One time the girls were riding the gator and dad went to check something real quick... she was occupied so he snuck out... BIG MSTAKE she can spot his pickup a mile away and when she saw it going over the hill she let out a blood curdling scream saying, GRANDDAD EFT (left)  ME!
Dad's hobbies.... longhorns

Livie paracticed her casting just in case the wind went down...
Grandma Donna came, ate, and visited for a while.
Look at this little guy.  They are seriously so cute and all look just alike!
My parents have a fireman's pole in their house.  Claire loves it!
PS:  The coat she's wearing was mine.
Livie's turn
Daddy's turn

It's always good to go home! :)
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the Truck

So I have to  tell this story... It's so typical of us.  First you need to know the farm needs a new truck before harvest.  Well, Stan, Jed's uncle, found one in Houstonia, MO.  Jed decided we would go get it... and stay in the sleeper... you know a romantic weekend for us??!! :)  So I line up my mom to come stay at our house, keep the girls, and take them to their activities.   BUT  in later conversations we found out it didn't have a sleeper. 
PLAN B:  Stan, Jed, and I will go get it.  Stan will sleep the way there and drive his pickup back.  Jed will drive all the way, we'll stay the night in a hotel (much better) and then drive the truck home the next day. 
So we took off early Thursday morning.  We got there before noon.  Jed gets in and instantly starts laughing... LOUDLY.  turns out there is no passenger seat!!!!  Are you kidding me??  The seller said he could offer me a five gallon bucket... for a 7 hour ride um don't think so. 

PLAN C:  I drive Stan a few hours in his pickup through Kansas City, and Jed drives the "new" truck. :)  We did end up getting to stay in a hotel in Kansas City and I must say it was well worth it.  We had a great time just the two of us hanging out, but wow!!!   

Cabellas Grand Opening

do we look like VIP's?

Jed is SUPER excited to have a Cabellas store close... he says it's just "handy" :)
We and half of the town went to the "red carpet" Pre-Opening.  I have to admit it was a fun evening....
Notice Grandpa in the back?  He tagged along.  I get car sick... have forever, so extra riders have to sit in the back.
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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sesame Street Live

Yep, you heard right Sesame Street.... Look how excited Jed is!! :)
I have to give him credit though.... He is ALWAYS a good sport. 


Not exactly what I was thinking when they said, "get in Big Bird's Nest"

The pre-show was Awesome... Claire saw Cookie Monster up close.

Playing on Elmo's piano... 
Ready for the Show...
We had 2 happy campers... although I must admit they would have been just as happy...
if not happier had it been 20 minutes shorter...
It probably would have also helped had we been closer, but

Fun was had by all!!
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Deer Head

Before... Just a typical basement...

BUT Jed got his deer back from the taxidermist... yeah????

We had already picked the spot... but didn't realize it would be SO big.... his name is Bucky.


T is for Tractor

Livie had a VERY BIG day at preschool.  She got to bring the snack, dirt desert, AND
her daddy brought a Tractor for T day!!   It was very exciting.
Everyone got to get into the tractor and "drive."

Livie's preschool class!

watching the tractor start up and head home.
Claire got to drive the tractor back to the farm with daddy.  She was very proud.  She waved at Livie and her class all the way out of the preschool driveway SMILING EAR tO EAR!!

Happy T Day
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