Wednesday, August 15, 2012

1st Day of Kindergarten

Well, I'm not going to lie... it was REALLY HARD.  I cried, but got it together quickly.  Jed also teared up.  :(
Luckily, Aunt Molly kept little sister, Claire. 

Therefore, I was able to take HUNDREDS of pictures...

Jed and I both took her.  I was very glad of that.
Mrs. Roux was right there to greet us and show us where to go.
We peeked in and snapped a picture before we left.  She was SOO Excited!
When we got in the car I told Jed it was all I could do to not grab her by the hand tell everybody she just wasn't ready and we would see them next year!!
But she probably would have disagreed
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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

the Day BEFORE Livie's 1st Day of School

Well, tomorrow is the Day...
Livie's 1st day of Kindergarten, and by most standards we are ready; however, I must admit I walked out of school tonight and said, "She's not ready."  Jed just laughed b/c clearly it's me who is NOT READY. (and secretly, he's not either)

We're ready for 1st day pictures.

We overslept and watched Wild Krats for the last time this morning. 
We had surprises before Meet the Teacher... books and panties.
Testing out the picture studio
Then we were off to check out Livie's classroom at Meet the Teacher Night.  I actually helped her teacher all morning/afternoon.  It was very fun for me to be back in a classroom.
Livie found a desk and unpacked her school supplies.  Claire was very helpful.
And next, Lockers!!  Little, tiny lockers!!
Yes, Claire took her backpack too. :)

And when we left Livie said, "Now you don't have to walk me in to school mom... I know where my room is."
Um ya right... I said, CALMLY, "Well honey, mommy and daddy want to take your picture."
To which she said, "Well, after the 1st day then you won't have too."
Me:  "Yes, mommy wants you to be safe." 
Livie: "I'll be ok Mom, it's school."
Me CALMLY:  Huh Huh "Well after a week or so we'll see."
What the heck is she trying to break my heart and then stomp on it!!!
Montana Mikes to celebrate
And finally, The Night Before Kindergarten and off to bed!!
Sigh... time flies when you're having fun
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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wetting Silage

We were a big help...
Claire especially
Another Load
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Monday, August 6, 2012

Manicures & Pedicures

A day of beauty and pampering... Yes Please, but it was actually for these girls.
It was Cassandra's 6th birthday celebration as they are, for the time being... homeless.
They get to move in to their new house soon, but not quite soon enough!
This is one of my favorite pictures.  These 4 girls had a ball!
Look at those tiny toes and chubby feet!
They got a little crazy... look at Livie's eyes!!
One of the ladies at the shop thought this would be a good idea...
I don't think it turned out quite like their bridesmaids photo shoots.  :)
Why do I love pictures from behind...
Adorable Adorable Adorable Adorable
Then ice cream
and finally home.
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