Sunday, July 29, 2012

Baby Bird

You are NEVER going to believe this.
So I'm helping Jed and Dwight, and the girls were up at the house helping grandma.
Long story short, they had to move a nest, and Livie kept the eggs in a cup... she made me promise to take good care of them.
Then, on Monday, the girls left for Oklahoma and Bible School...
On Wednesday, I walked into my garage to THIS.
It's a baby pigeon.  As it turns out, these are one of two birds that feed their babies "crop milk."
Unfortunately, he didn't make it.
But seriously, I absolutely CANNOT believe my daughter hatched an egg!
Seriously, have you ever heard of that?  It has to be rare right?  I mean, I was totally planning on getting rid of the eggs while she was gone, but she asked about them... and with good reason!!
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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

School Supplies

Well, it happened... we bought Livie's Kindergarten supplies yesterday.
I definitely have mixed emotions.  I know she'll love school, but I can't believe my baby is going to school!!  Claire and I are going to miss her SOO much!
BUT... Livie was not the only one who bought supplies... Claire is going to Preschool for the first time and is
SUPER DUPER excited.   sigh
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Pretty Prairie Rodeo

It was Pretty Prairie's 75th Rodeo,
and luckily our Friends had fabulous tickets and were willing to share.

The girls looked so cute in their skirts and boots, and were really into the rodeo.
The 2 that made all this possible... they were roommates in college, and although they had their own rooms... they were usually sleeping together...
I don't know if Jessica and I should be worried or not! :)
Cotton Candy was a must for all 3 girls.
We had a great time... thanks for sharing Jessica!
Can't wait for Waynoka's Rodeo.
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Shaving Cream Fun

Are you looking for something fun?
Cheap Shaving Cream
You can Draw
Practice Making Letters and Numbers
Spelling Words
Or become Monsters

Chase your Mommy
And even make it snow in July!
Clean up is easy too... Just have them run through the sprinkler. :)

Finally, picnic dinner
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Friday, July 20, 2012

Claassen Vacation... the final chapter

Yes people, there's more... it was like 4 days ok??
More floating...
Claire loved that she and Finn had matching floaties.
She just kept saying, "ee match" "ee match"
And finally there were boat rides...
"Go faster daddy!"  That's her sign for faster.  She can't do the thumbs up thing yet. :)
Loving on cousins...
The captain...
Also love that I captured this face.  She uses it quite often!

And apparently this is what happens on long boat rides back...
Mouth open in true Claassen form... sorry Matt :)
Look at that bottom!  Isn't it funny how kids do this??!
Yep, both asleep.

But later...


Docks floating away???

More fishing...

Oh yes and did I mention POTTY TRAINING?
It's official, Claire is potty trained!!  It literally happened over this trip!
YEA Claire...
I'm sure you'll love this picture some day. ;)

And finally, a family picture on the way home in the beautiful Flint Hills.
Do ANY other families have this much trouble getting pics of their fam?
1.  I mean what is Claire doing?  Oh yes, being Claire... not doing what everyone else is doing.
2.  Livie... never even thinking of breaking a rule, "What, I don't have to stand with you guys?"
3.  Ok I guess we can work with this.
4.  Now what are they doing?
5.  Did they switch sides?
6.  At least I have one trained... did you notice my dutiful husband, standing at attention smiling the entire time.  Way to go honey.  :)

Shew 1 Family Vacation... CHECK
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