Friday, May 11, 2012

Just Another Day

Wednesday... We decided to make a bunch of food to freeze...

First priority, chocolate chip cookies!!

Notice the cute little ones... Claire's.  :)
Then we discovered we didn't have all the supplies for our chicken enchiladas or sloppy joes
(as this was a spur of the moment thing)

So to the Zoo!!
(better than Walmart or Dillons)
Claire loves to put in her zoo key... She looks so big!!
We fed the fish.  They are huge and cute!
And then right as we had finished up our food... this cute little family showed up.
Even though my girls and I (if I'm honest) are totally afraid of geese due to our prior experiences this spring, we did enjoy watching all the babies at the zoo.  And these parents seemed more laid back.
Livie LOVES the rainforest?!
Then we had to get in some T-Ball practice BEFORE T-Ball practice.
Trust me it's necessary!
The hearts indicate which foot to step with, and which hand to throw with.
See what I mean... necessary! :)
It worked like a dream.... expo marker... washes right off later.

Then on to something else... Driving the gator FAST.

 And checking on Livie's worm collection.

And finally T-Ball practice...
The coach makes all the difference!!

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